Legendary Kingdom : La Vallée des Os
Citation :Pour la démo, il manque le numéro du paragraphe 13 (superstition d'auteur? ^^) et au 78, le renvoi du code A3 indique 718, ce qui ne correspond pas. Je n'ai pas réussi à trouver la section correspondante, alors que c'est pourtant l'un des premiers codes qu'on peut obtenir et utiliser.

Erreur de la vf, dans la vo, il faut se rendre au 11. Et le numéro 13 est bien dispo, d'ailleurs il y a des renvois vers ce paragraphe. Je le mets au cas où certains se retrouvent bloqués dans la démo. Je précise qu'il s'agit bien de la même démo.

Citation :

You bend to help the injured Milagros, who tells you not to worry. “I’ve had much worse, but you are gracious to help,” she says, wincing as she smiles. “Perhaps you would walk me to the kitchens? I fear my hands tremble too much to carry the soup.”
Assisting Milagros, you follow her down the poorly lit tunnel towards the kitchen. “You are brave warriors, and you have kind hearts,” she says. “It is not right that you suffer and stultify here. There is … a plan, to abruptly shorten our sentence. If you would be free, follow me.” Milagros makes an abrupt turn, down a narrow tunnel that plunges into darkness.
Follow her (turn to 86)?
Avoid any trouble and return to your cells (turn to 113)?

J'espère que ce genre d'erreur, tout comme les fautes d'orthographes, ont été corrigés dans la version complète et payante du livre (dont au passage la version epubpdf coute 20 €, soit 5 € de moins que la version papier standard...).

Citation :Vraiment, la comparaison avec Fabled Land n'a quasiment pas lieu d'être.

Cette comparaison est pourtant revendiquée par l'auteur lui-même, rien que dans le titre.  Wink L'abscence de quête et le côté 100% bac-à-sable était le plus gros reproche fait à la série de Morris et Thomson. Et tout comme Morris et Thomson semble l'avoir fait pour VulcanVerse, c'est ce que semble vouloir corrigé Hulme ici, en revendiquant une inspiration de Sorcellerie et la Voie du Tigre. Tiré de la page Kickstarter du financement du second livre en vo :

Citation :If you have ever played Fighting Fantasy or Choose Your Own Adventure books, you have the basic idea of what a gamebook looks like. In terms of how it plays, it is quite similar structurally to Fabled Lands by Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson. That book series also featured a number of connected books that you could wander between at will. Long term, Legendary Kingdoms feels quite similar to Sorcery by Steve Jackson, in that it has a grand quest, sorcery is rare and powerful, and there is a final goal to achieve. There is also just a whiff of Way of the Tiger by Mark Smith and Jamie Thomson, mainly through Akihiro and his quest for enlightenment.

Legendary Kingdoms itself is a zero to hero narrative. You begin as penniless slaves, and end the game becoming great generals who make or break the future of the world based on your actions. The main difference with games like Sorcery or Destiny Quest is that you decide the order you want to do it. There are many ways into the main super-plot of the books, and different parties will experience different routes in. Forgive us for being cryptic … but we don’t want to ruin the plot!

That said, each book is also very self-contained. There are several dozen independent quests, one ‘book quest’ which involves the epic clash of armies, one character quest, where the history and goals of one of the pre-generated characters is explored in depth, and a number of minor party-member events. These minor events allow your party members to fall in love, become enemies, save each other’s lives, or just give each other time to shine.

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RE: Legendary Kingdom : La Vallée des Os - par Salla - 25/04/2022, 10:36

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