[06] l'Œil du Dragon
Dave Morris a commenté (en anglais bien sûr) à propos de cette chance sur 3. Apparemment, ce n'était pas volontaire.

As we're talking about The Eye of the Dragon, you may be wondering why it wasn't reissued along with the other five Golden Dragon books last year. No? Well, I'll tell you anyway. Reviews by Mrs Giggles, the aforementioned burnedfx, and on Demian Katz's site point out some serious flaws in the book. Most egregious of all, it seems that the big finale depends on a one-in-three guess. Ulp. I really thought I had provided a clue.
If that's really true, I owe an apology to an entire generation, as a random choice like that would be hard to justify right at the start of a book, but is criminally wrong at the end. And while I'm checking that, and fixing it if need be, I might as well tinker with the magic system and make a bit more of the protagonist's unusual background. And now that there's a Fighting Fantasy book of that name, I think I'll change the title to something more interesting too.

Messages dans ce sujet
[06] l'Œil du Dragon - par ashimbabbar - 24/07/2011, 20:48
RE: [Dragon d'Or] l'Œil du Dragon - par Fitz - 25/07/2011, 09:44
RE: [Dragon d'Or] l'Œil du Dragon - par JFM - 06/08/2011, 13:55
RE: [Dragon d'Or] l'Œil du Dragon - par Jin - 06/08/2011, 14:56
RE: [Dragon d'Or] l'Œil du Dragon - par Elterin - 12/02/2016, 17:22
RE: [Dragon d'Or] l'Œil du Dragon - par VIK - 12/02/2016, 22:49
[Dragon d'Or] L'Oeil du Dragon - par Fitz - 09/10/2012, 20:40

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